AI Skills: Basic and Advanced Techniques in Machine Learning
Learn the fundamental and get to know more advanced techniques of machine learning (supervised, unsupervised, reinforce…
Learn the fundamental and get to know more advanced techniques of machine learning (supervised, unsupervised, reinforce…
Refresh and review the probability and statistics you need to succeed in your engineering postgraduate degree or your p…
Learn about the theory and practice to maintain, troubleshoot and repair biomedical devices, as well as guidance on the…
Learn to predict, analyze and verify the aeroacoustic performance of several mechanical systems, including the applicat…
Prepare to integrate AI into your organization.
Enhance your use of tools and methods to accurately characterize, model and predict the performance and yield of photov…
Acquire strategic planning methods and approaches to deal with complex challenges in water policy and management.
Gain insights and apply state-of-the-art methods to implement circular economy strategies in the field of healthcare.
Improve your strategies and decision making in design, operations and performance
Cybersecurity breaches are the outcome of bad incentives. This course teaches you how to think about rational security …
Learn how to measure noise and experimentally analyze noise‑source and reduction mechanisms, tackling the relevant flui…
Quantum computing is oftend poised to be the next technological revolution, promising exceptional increases in computat…
Learn the fundamentals of quantum networks and their applications with QuTech’s Quantum Network Explorer.
Learn to design meaningful products and services in this introductory design course.
Learn about this innovative solution for wastewater treatment. Discover the functionality of and (biological) mechanism…
Discover the science and complexity of railway systems, including how their efficiency depends on the alignment of all …
Gain a systemic understanding of critical raw materials and learn about strategies and solutions to manage them in a su…
Learn how to decide on efficient combinations of energy conversion systems and how to distribute and control air and en…
Stef Schinagl is a senior advisor for Information Security and Privacy Protection at UWV (the Dutch Employee Insurance Agency).
Wendelin Bohmer is an assistant professor at the Algorithmics Group at Delft University of Technology.
Calvin Rans is an associate professor in the Structural Integrity and Composites Group, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology.
Tyler Moore is the Tandy Professor of Cyber Security in the School of Cyber Studies and the Tandy School of Computer Science at The University of Tulsa.