Accessibility Statement – TU Delft Extension School for Continuing Education

Last updated on: 3 November 2023

This statement applies to content published in our MOOCs, Professional Education courses and programs. For programs and courses on the edX platform, please refer to the edX website accessibility policy. We recognize the importance of an accessible and safe digital environment and strive to conform with digital accessibility standards; however, we are aware that some parts of this website and professional education platform are not fully accessible.

The TU Delft Extension School for Continuing Education is committed to provide an excellent experience for all customers, including people with additional learning requirements. In line with our mission to develop and deliver innovative online education, we strive to make online learning accessible, available anytime and anywhere. As we work towards fully accessible digital platforms using the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standards we welcome feedback if you encounter accessibility barriers on this website and/or our professional education platform. Feedback can be sent to accessible-ES. We ask you to provide the web address (URL) of the content. We will try to respond to any feedback within one week.

Current measures to support accessibility 

The TU Delft Extension School makes accessibility part of its mission and has developed a vision on Diversity and Inclusion. We take the following measures to ensure the content provided and tools used in our courses are as accessible as possible:  

  • Ensure that accessibility principles are included in the design of new courses, and they are used to review and update existing ones 
  • Provide guidelines for content creators to help them develop course content conforming as much as possible with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1
  • Assign clear accessibility goals and responsibilities 
  • Ensure new in-course third-party tools comply with WCGA standards 

Although we strive to comply with accessibility standards and make every effort to provide an inclusive experience, we acknowledge that we may not be able to accommodate all requests due to the nature of our resources and limitations beyond our control. We still welcome feedback from learners as this will help us direct our efforts in a direction that will benefit those who need it most.