Note: This program can be started at any time from 4 September 2024 until 8 December 2024, and it will be closed for all participants on 18 December 2024. Please note that all assignments should be submitted before the end date in order to obtain the certificate.
Improve your ability and proficiency in the design and optimization of photovoltaics, from material and device level up to modules and systems. Develop and apply the skills and knowledge required to handle effectively all aspects of the photovoltaic discipline.
This Professional Certificate Program in PV Modeling, Simulation and Analysis consists of two career-oriented courses. It is a highly practical program, which will provide you with the appropriate tools and valuable knowhow of how to characterize and predict the performance of photovoltaic technologies – from small solar cells to large power systems. Throughout the program, you will work on various scenarios and case studies, based on real-life problems.
Is this program for you?
This program will support PV professionals – working in both the manufacturing and installation sectors – to develop their skills and proficiency in the design and optimization of manufacturing processes as well as system deployment and operation.