
Valéri Markine obtained his MSc Diploma in Mechanics from Gorky State University, Gorky (now Nizhniy Novgorod), USSR. He obtained his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Delft University of Technology. The title of his PhD thesis was 'Optimization of the Dynamic Behaviour of Mechanical Systems'.
In 1998 he has joined the Section of Road and Railway Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering of TU Delft. At present he works as an Assistant Professor (tenure) at the Section of Railway Engineering.
research interest
- Railway Engineering
- Vehicle and track dynamics
- Ballast and slab tracks
- Track stability
- Wheel-rail interface - Condition monitoring of railway crossings
- Design optimization, parameter identification
- Computational mechanics
More info
Assistant professor at the Section of Railway Engineering, Delft University of Technology
PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Delft University of Technology
MSc, Mechanics, Gorky State University, USSR