
Dr. Ravi Vasudevan obtained his MSc and PhD from the Delft University of Technology. He has researched solar energy and is an expert in silicon heterojunction solar cells. He also is experienced in solar energy education. He has given many lecturers at the BSc and MSc level for various solar-based courses at TU Delft.
Ravi also helped to develop the MSc course in PV Systems taught at TU Delft and is in charge of managing the creation of the Solar Energy Engineering ProfEd series hosted on the edX platform.
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Postdoctoral researcher at Photovoltaic Materials and Devices Group, faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, Delft University of Technology
PhD, Photovoltaics, Delft University of Technology
MSc, Sustainable Energy Technologies, Delft University of Technology
BSc, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute