
Liesbeth Tromp is FRP specialist and structural engineer at international engineering firm Royal HaskoningDHV. She focuses on the application of FRP in infrastructure and architecture.
As a consultant or designer she has been involved in the design and realisation of many major FRP bridges and lock doors in the Netherlands, as well as worldwide. Furthermore Liesbeth is technical coordinator of the revision committee of the Dutch FRP Design Guidance CUR96, as well as the Dutch representative in the Eurocode FRP Working Group (WG4) and co-author of JRC publication 'Prospect for the Design Guidance of FRP structures'.
Liesbeth has over 20 years of experience in the design of FRP structures from concept level up to realisation, including quality control and contract management. The initial 10 years she was part of the governmental (applied) research institute TNO, developing solutions for a large variety of markets and applications. Since 2010 she specialises on FRP for the infrastructure as part of engineering firm RHDHV. Liesbeth teaches an FRP course on post academic level and is guest lecturer on FRP in infrastructure at the Faculty of architecture (Building Technology) and the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences.
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FRP specialist and structural engineer at international engineering firm Royal HaskoningDHV
MSc, Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Delft University of Technology