
Jeroen Kalkman works at the Faculty of Applied Sciences at the TU Delft as an assistant professor in physics. He is a lecturer for several Computational Science and Optical Imaging courses for the Applied Physics Program. He obtained his PhD at the FOM Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics in the Photonic Materials Group at Utrecht University. After spending two years in industrial research, he moved back to academia and worked in the department of Biomedical Engineering and Physics at the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam.
Today, Jeroen Kalkman is part of the Department of Imaging Physics, where he leads a research group on optical tomography. His research is devoted to the development of novel optical instrumentation with application to process control, systems biology, cultural heritage, and clinical diagnostics. Jeroen Kalkman is motivated to be a lecturer in the Pre-University Physics MOOC and introduce high-school students to the mathematical formalism used in academic physics.
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Assistant professor in Physics at the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Delft University of Technology
PhD, Atomic and Molecular Physics. Utrecht University