Frans van der Meer is assistant professor in structural mechanics. He does research on modelling of failure in FRP composite materials. With a background in computational mechanics he aims to develop new computational methods and apply these to increase the understanding of the failure behaviour of these materials. The vision behind development of reliable models is that eventually the performance of composite materials and structures can be predicted with virtual tests.
Frans has collaborated with internationally renowned groups in composite materials science from the University of Bristol, NASA and the University of Porto.
Frans teaches a course on Stability of Structures and contributes to the MSc course on FRP Structures. He supervises BSc and MSc students with projects on various topics in structural mechanics and works with PhD students on fatigue and failure in composite materials.
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Assistant professor in structural mechanics, faculty ofCivil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology
PhD, Computational Mechanics, Delft University of Technology
MSc, Civil Engineering (Structural Mechanics), Delft University of Technology
BSc, Civil Engineering, Delft University of Technology