Decision Making Under Uncertainty

How can you address the critical lack of any or appropriate data in areas where complex decisions need to be made?

Structured Expert Judgment (SEJ) is a technique that enables you to appropriately account for uncertainty when there is no data or no appropriate data available.

In these courses you will be introduced and will apply the Classical Model (CM) or Cooke’s method, which is arguably the most rigorous method for performing Structured Expert Judgment.

CM, developed at TU Delft by Roger Cooke, has been successfully applied for over 30 years in many areas and by institutions and companies such as NASA, RIVM, WHO, Airbus, Shell and KLM, to support their (data-driven) decision-making.

Enroll in our introductory and/or advanced online courses and learn how expert opinion can be used for uncertainty quantification in a rigorous manner:

Our Structured Expert Judgment Courses: