to keep abreast of recent developments – Susana Coppo

Susana Coppo
The Netherlands

"My main motivation was to keep abreast of recent developments in the field of open data governance."

While working at the Hogeschool of Amsterdam as a Functional Manager, Susana Coppo participated in the online course Open Data Governance: from Policy to Use. Read about her experience.

What was your motivation for enrolling in this course?
My main motivation was to keep abreast of recent developments in the field of open data governance. It relates to my work where I often have an advisory role. The value of this kind of information is being recognized by lecturers and policy makers at my faculty, the faculty of Applied Social Studies and Law.

How would you describe your online learning experience?
The course combines the advantages of digital access and availability, with direct contact with lecturers and other students. I found the interaction with my student group very engaging and motivating. Peer review was the best part of the assignments. I appreciated the input from lecturers and fellow students. The presentations from different countries (UK, Austria and Brazil) were great.

As for the learning environment, there was a bit of a learning curve on how to use the course materials. But after a few weeks, I got the swing of it all. The team was very prompt in answering the questions I posed online so I was able to meet all the deadlines that were set.

I warmly recommend this course. It is an opportunity to benefit from the knowledge and experience of a team of experts. I now understand the essential elements of open data policies. I can apply the underlying principles in my own work.

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