help to verify with numbers our design decisions - Douglas Zevallos Roldán

Douglas Zevallos Roldán

"I didn't have the tools to verify my suggestions with numbers. The design builder helps me with that task."

While working as an architect, Douglas Zevallos Roldán participated in the online course Advanced Zero Energy Design. Read about his experience.

What was your motivation for enrolling in this course/program?
I have looked at ways of making a building more sustainable, but I didn't have the tools to verify my suggestions with numbers. The design builder helps me with that task. I want to work with it, and if possible, teach others how to use it.

How did/will this course impact your career or life?
I will be able to explain my design decisions with supporting calculations. It will improve my career.

How was your experience learning online?
I really liked the videos which boosted my desire to work through all the stages. The tools you provide help to verify with numbers our design decisions. The lectures and additional materials are very useful too. The most challenging thing was to keep on track with the course but with the live sessions and help from my fellow co-learners I was able to finish the course.

What advice would you give someone who is thinking of taking a similar course?
Make yourself a good schedule for keeping on track during the course and you will make it!

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