TU Delft Rankings
How does TU Delft compare to other universities in the world?
TU Delft keeps position in the global top 15 for Engineering & Technology in the QS World University Rankings by Subject.
Take a course from TU Delft and have access to faculty of the highest caliber. Don’t just take our word for it. This is based on its position in the QS World University Rankings. TU Delft is ranked among the top universities in the world.
In the most recent QS World University Rankings by Subjects, three of our fields of study make the global top 10:
Architecture/Built Environment;
Civil Engineering;
Mechanical Engineering.
Your certificate from TU Delft is therefore associated with the academic rigor and world-class expertise that you will benefit from during your course, and which will support you in your future endeavors.
TU Delft is also a front runner and thought-leader in online education*, so taking courses with TU Delft ensures that your online learning journey will be a successful one.
Subject rankings
There are many subject rankings out there; the QS and the ARWU both publish about 50 and the THE has about 10 – and many more are being added to the list regularly. The most important rankings for TU Delft are the Engineering and Technology rankings, in which the university consistently ranks in and around the top 15. If we look at specific subjects, TU Delft holds a good number of international top spots. TU Delft tops the lists for Architecture, Civil & Structural Engineering, Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering, Water Resources, Transportational Sciences, Marine/Ocean Engineering and Chemical engineering.
*MIT 2018 report Global state of the art in engineering education