
Wim Bierbooms has been assistant professor in Wind Energy at Delft University of Technology since 1986. At present he is responsible for the master course Site Conditions for Wind Energy Design. He also supervises master students during their final thesis work related to wind energy. Furthermore, he is coordinator of the Wind Energy profile of the Master track Aerodynamics and Wind Energy and of the Rotor Design track of the European Wind Energy Master.
Wim is a specialist on wind field simulation and is the (co)author of more than 100 relevant publications (journals, book chapters, conference papers). In 2009 he obtained a PhD at the Technical University of Delft on constrained stochastic simulation of wind gusts for wind turbine design. Constrained stochastic simulation is a very efficient way of generating extreme gusts which has the same characteristics as real gusts. He has also been involved in many (inter) national projects on offshore wind energy like Opti-Owecs and WE@Sea.
research interest
- Simulation of wind gusts for wind turbine design.
- Wind measurements with LiDAR.
More info
Assistant professor in Wind Energy at Delft University of Technology.
PhD, constrained stochastic simulation of wind gusts for wind turbine design, Delft University of Technology