
Wilfried Visser is private consultant with over 30 years of experience in aircraft propulsion, gas turbine and energy technology. Since 1999 he is part-time lecturer at Propulsion and Power.
He has worked 18 years at NLR National Aerospace Laboratory on aero engine design and aircraft propulsion system performance analysis and simulation. He has developed the GSP Gas turbine Simulation Program (, a flexible object-oriented modelling tool for both aero engines and industrial gas turbines, widely recognized and used in the gas turbine community. At MTT Micro Turbine Technology, he has led the development of a 3kW micro turbine for Combined Heat and Power applications.
His work has resulted in over 35 publications. Currently, his work is focused on the development of advanced system modelling tools.
Dr. Visser's work is sponsored by industry via the Dutch Foundation for Gas Turbine Education (SGO)
research interest
- Gas turbine technology.
- System simulation technology & software development.
- UAV propulsion.
- Energy system condition monitoring technology.
More info
Part-time lecturer of the Propulsion and Power group, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology
PhD, Mechanical Engineering; Gas turbine performance modelling and simulation technology, Delft University of Technology
MSc, Mechanical Engineering, Delft University of Technology