
Rik Lopuhaä studied Mathematics at the University of Amsterdam and received a PhD from TU Delft on robust multivariate statistical methods. His research interest is asymptotic theory for statistical methods, in particular shape constrained nonparametric methods and robust multivariate methods. He has developed several statistics courses and is co-author of the best-selling Springer book 'A Modern Introduction to Probability an Statistics: Understanding Why and How'.
He has been teaching a variety of statistic courses at several departments at TU Delft and at partners in industry. He has been Director of Studies for the BSc and MSc programs Applied Mathematics at TU Delft for 10 years. Currently Rik is an associate professor in the Section Statistics at Delft University of Technology.
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Associate professor in the Section Statistics at Delft University of Technology
PhD, robust multivariate statistical methods, Delft University of Technology