
Paolo De Martino graduated in Architecture with top marks in July 2008 at the Department of Architecture of University of Naples Federico II (DiARC). After graduation he has collaborated with an architectural firm in Naples, focusing mainly on reuse of existing architectural heritage and urban regeneration. Since January 2015 he lives in Delft. He is currently a PhD candidate in Architecture within a dual PhD program between Delft University of Technology and the University of Naples Federico II.
Paolo is investigating port cities from a spatial and institutional perspective, comparing the Italian port-system in the Campania Region with port clusters in the Hamburg-Le Havre range, with particular reference to the cities of Rotterdam, Antwerp and Le Havre. Some of his research – which touches upon the complex relationship between ports, cities and regions – have been discussed in conferences and published in international journals.
In 2017 and 2018 he was involved with teaching, tutoring mastering students in Delft during the Design Studio “Architecture and Urbanism beyond oil” run by Prof. Carola Hein.
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PhD candidate in Architecture, Delft University of Technology
MSc, Architecture, University of Naples Federico II