
Nelson Mota was appointed associate professor of Architecture at Delft University of Technology in 2019, after 5 five years working as assistant professor. He has more than two decades of experience as a designer and educator. He graduated as an architect at the University of Coimbra (Portugal) where he also concluded an Advanced Master in Architecture, Territory and Memory in 2006. He earned his doctoral degree from TU Delft in 2014 with the dissertation "An Archaeology of the Ordinary: Rethinking the Architecture of Dwelling from CIAM to Siza".
Nelson is a founding partner of the architectural office comoco arquitectos. He is the author of the book A Arquitectura do Quotidiano (The Architecture of the Everyday) published in 2010, and co-editor of several journal issues (Footprint 17, 2015; Joelho 8, 2017; and Footprint 24, 2019) as well as many book chapters and peer-reviewed articles.
At the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment-TU Delft, Nelson is the leader of the research group Global Housing and coordinator of the Global Housing educational program at the TU Delft. He is production editor and member of the editorial board of the academic journal Footprint and DASH- Delft Architectural Studies on Housing.
Nelson Mota is the winner of the 2022 edX Prize for Exceptional Contributions in Online Teaching and Learning, for the online course Global Housing Design. The course, which focuses on the design of sustainable and inclusive housing, directly addresses the critical global need for urban development expertise, with close to a billion people worldwide currently living in inadequate housing.
research interest
- Housing Design
- Architectural Education
- Visual Ethnography
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Associate professor of Architecture at Delft University of Technology
PhD, Architecture, Delft University of Technology
MSc, Architecture, Universidade de Coimbra