
Maurits Kok is a Research Software Engineer with the Digital Competence Center at the Delft University of Technology. He has a broad background in the fields of Life Sciences and Applied Physics, and obtained his PhD in molecular biophysics at the Bionanoscience department. There, he studied the fundamental properties of bio-polymers and their application in synthetic biology, combining experiments with simulations.
Modern research increasingly relies on digital tools for collecting, processing, and storing data, as well as writing reusable code, (co-)developing software, and sharing the results with the research community. To ensure effective utilization of these tools, he now supports researchers in implementing these new digital workflows in their research by following the latest standards for Open Science.
research interest
- Open Science
- Open Research Software
- FAIR principles
- Python
More info
Research Software Engineer at Delft University of Technology
PhD, Molecular Biophysics, Delft University of Technology
MSc, Applied Science, Delft University of Technology
BSc, Nanoscience, Delft Unic\versity of Technology