Martin Bloemendal is a specialist in Underground Thermal Energy Storage and works on various studies on utilization of sustainable heat by means of storage in the subsurface. Martin always considers the system as a whole, which means not only the storage, but also the source of heat or cooling capacity, the consumers and the required facilities to utilize the available heat. That is why he also has extensive knowledge of related and complementary techniques. He does not focus on the technical aspects only; he also works on organizational and policy-based issues concerning sustainable heating and cooling. Martin has a clear vision for the use of the subsurface with Underground Thermal Energy Storage.
Martin obtained his PhD degree on Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage via part-time research and is now involved in further research and education on ATES ad other forms of thermal energy storage. He combines two part-time jobs at TNO and Delft University of Technology that allows him to identify and come up with the proof of concept of new solutions (@TUD), and also implement them in pilot projects and policies (@TNO).
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Specialist in Underground Thermal Energy Storage
PhD, Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage, Delft University of Technology
MSc, Civil Engineering, Delft University of Technology