
In September 2018, Mark Voskuijl was appointed as full professor Aviation- and Weapon systems at the faculty of Military Sciences at the Netherlands Defence Academy. He is a specialist in the field of aircraft performance and is the (co)author of about 50 relevant publications (journals, book chapters, conference papers, patents).
Mark earned his a master's degree in Aerospace Engineering after graduating from Delft University of Technology in 2003. Next, he obtained a PhD at the University of Liverpool in 2007. Mark conducted his PhD research within the 'helicopter active control technology' project, which focused on the benefits of novel active control concepts, applied to the mutual improvement of handling qualities, flight envelope protection and structural load alleviation for helicopters. This project involved close collaboration with the National Research Council of Canada. Extensive use was made of their advanced systems research aircraft, a fly-by-wire Bell 412 helicopter.
Prior to joining the Netherlands Defence Academy, he worked for 11 years as an Assistant Professor in Flight Performance and Propulsion at Delft University of Technology. There his research was mainly focused on the flight mechanics of future aircraft configurations.
research interest
- Flight performance
- Stability and control of helicopters
- Unmanned aircraft and combat aircraft
More info
Professor Aviation- and Weapon Systems at the Faculty of Military Sciences, Netherlands Defence Academy
PhD, University of Liverpool
MSc in Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology