
Marjan Hagenzieker became full professor and chair Traffic Safety at Delft University of Technology in 2014. Her research and education focus on the road safety impact of the transport system, with particular interest in road user behavior. She graduated in experimental psychology at Leiden University and received her PhD on the effects of rewards on road user behavior, also from Leiden University.
She is member of several Editorial Boards of academic journals, including Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, and Safety Science; was guest editor of special issues on different road safety topics in the leading journals in the field; is a member of scientific committees and an invited speaker at international conferences on a regular basis.
research interest
- road user interactions with road infrastructure, in-vehicle technology and automated vehicles
- distraction in traffic
- safety of vulnerable road users (e.g. the elderly, cyclists)
More info
Professor of Traffic Safety, Department of Transport & Planning at the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology
Dr., Social Sciences, Leiden University
Drs., Experimental psychology, Leiden University