
Dr. Luz Maria Vergara d'Alençon is Adjunct Assistant Professor / Lecturer at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Her PhD focused on the role of civil society organisations in supporting low-income homeowners to improve the management of their condominium housing. She is an architect and holds a MSc in Architecture from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Luz María was born in Chile and resides in the Netherlands since 2014. Throughout her professional career she has performed functions in architectural design, independent consultancy, research and teaching. Her research interests are related to housing challenges in the Global South with special attention to the role of civil society organisations in the context of deprived neighbourhoods and social vulnerability. She is interested in understanding how societal requirements can be incorporated in housing/ urban design processes and management services through participatory and collaborative methods.
Luz Maria is a former Postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Management in the Built Environment at TU Delft.
research interest
- Affordable Housing in the Global South
- Civil Society organisations
- Housing provision and management
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Adjunct Assistant Professor / Lecturer at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
PhD, Real Estate and Housing, Delft University of Technology
MSc, Architecture, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile