
Kees Vuik has been professor in Numerical Analysis at Delft University of Technology since 2007. He is responsible for lectures, projects and final thesis work related to Numerical Analysis and High Performance Computing. Kees is coordinator of the double degree international Master Computer Simulations for Science and Engineering (COSSE) In his group research is done in Discretization of Partial Differential Equations, Iterative Methods and High Performance Computing. He is (co)author of about 200 publications (journals, book chapters, conference papers)
Kees has obtained his MSc from Delft University of Technology. After a short stay at Philips Research Laboratories he has done a PhD at Utrecht University. During this time he worked on numerical solution, existence and uniqueness of Moving Boundary (Stefan) Problems. In 1988 he joined Delft University of Technology and became an expert on iterative solution methods combined with high performance computing.
Kees teaches various courses a year. One of the most important ones is Modelling for the first year Applied Mathematics Bachelor curriculum. His many collaborations with industries and research institutes helps him to have many interesting examples that are used in this course.
research interest
Discretization of Partial Differential Equations, Iterative Methods High Performance and Future Computing.
More info
Professor in Numerical Analysis at Delft University of Technology
PhD, Mathematics, Utrecht University
MSc, Applied Mathematics, Delft University of Technology