
Jules van Lier is professor Wastewater Treatment / Environmental Engineering and Head of the Section Sanitary Engineering at Delft University of Technology. Jules van Lier accomplished his PhD on Thermophilic Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment in 1995, under the supervision of Prof. Gatze Lettinga at Wageningen University.
Throughout his career, he has been involved as a senior researcher / project manager in various national and international research projects, working on cost-effective water treatment for resource recovery (water, nutrients, biogas, elements). His research projects are focused on closing water cycles in industries and sewage water recovery for irrigated agriculture.
Jules is an experienced lecturer, specialized in anaerobic wastewater treatment courses since 1993. While holding teaching positions at Wageningen University, TU Delft and IHE Institute for Water Education, in the Netherlands, he organized and led week-long courses globally. In 2014 he developed the first MOOC on the edX platform which received two awards.
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Professor Wastewater Treatment / Environmental Engineering and Head of the Section Sanitary Engineering at Delft University of Technology.
PhD in Thermophilic Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment, Wageningen University and Research Centre
MSc in Environmental Technology, Wageningen University and Research Centre
BSc in Biology, Radboud University Nijmegen