
Juan M. Durán is an assistant professor in ethics of technology. His research is focused on the philosophy of science and technology, philosophy of computer science, history of science and technology, and the ethics of technology. He has done extensive research on explanation, understanding and the ethics of algorithms, computer models, and Big Data. He has several papers on these topics, including articles on the reliability of computations, explanation of simulated phenomena, and the ethics of computer simulations. He has published a monograph in Springer on computer simulations.

Juan is the 2019 recipient of the Herbert A. Simon Award for outstanding research in computing and philosophy. The award is given by the International Association for Computing and Philosophy, and it is offered to scholars at an early stage of their academic career who are likely to reshape debates at the nexus of computing and philosophy by their original research.

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Assistant professor in ethics of technology, Delft University of Technology


PhD, History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Stuttgart
BASc, Computer Science, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba 


Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science

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