
Ivo Pothof is part-time associate professor Smart Thermal Grids at Delft University of Technology and chair of the TU Delft Thermal Energy Platform (Thermo-X). He identifies system innovations and has initiated multiple strategic R&D projects in the cross-over between water, renewable energy and smart control of water and energy infrastructure. Ivo Pothof wants to contribute to the development of future-proof district heating grids and their integration in future smart energy systems.
Ivo has a background as an industrial hydrodynamics specialist at Deltares. Joining Deltares in 1997, he became specialist in fluid transients, optimal control of pipeline systems and air-water pipe flows. His book chapter on Transients in water supply systems is used worldwide as a hydraulic design guideline.
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Part-time associate professor Smart Thermal Grids at Delft University of Technology
Chair of the TU Delft Thermal Energy Platform (Thermo-X)
PhD, Civil Engineering, Technische Universiteit Delft
MSc, Applied Mathematics, Systems and Control Theory, Universiteit Twente