
Harrie Besselink obtained his MSc degree in Molecular Science, orientation Biochemistry/Toxicology at Wageningen University, the Netherlands. He obtained his PhD degree in Environmental Toxicology also from the Wageningen University, the Netherlands. During his PhD research and afterwards, he specialised in the toxicology of dioxins, furans and PCBs with focus on the environment and human health.

He was directly involved in the development of the first CALUX bioassay: the DR CALUX bioassay, a rat hepatoma lines (H4IIE), incorporating the firefly luciferase gene coupled to Responsive Elements (REs) as a reporter gene for the presence of dioxins and dioxin-like compounds. After working at Wageningen University and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (IVM), he joined BioDetection Systems in 2001 and specialized in managing contract analyses, technology transfer by coordinating training courses, validation and valorisation of bioassays and the development of application tools for the various CALUX bioassays such as the PFAS CALUX bioassay.

Harrie participated in various national and international research programs.

research interest

  • Human exposure towards environmental pollutants and the development of effect-based bioassay 
  • Assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in environmental and biological samples using biological analysis techniques

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Director Product and Applications at BioDetection Systems BV


PhD, Environmental Toxicology, Wageningen University, the Netherlands
MSc, Molecular Science, orientation Biochemistry/Toxicology, Wageningen University

Courses and programs by this instructor