
Christophe Smet is a lecturer at TU Delft, mainly involved in Bachelor courses in Probability Theory and Statistics, Calculus and Linear Algebra. He enjoys teaching a lot and he has previous teaching experience at the universities of Leuven and Antwerp.
At TU Delft, Christophe is part of the PRIME team: the Programme of Innovation in Mathematics Education. This is a team that (re-)designs math courses into a blending learning cycle, following the “prepare, participate, practice” idea. The aim is not only to improve study results, but also to increase students’ participation and activity, as well as to show the connection between mathematics and engineering.
Christophe’s PhD research was in Classical Analysis, where he investigated how orthogonal polynomials can be used to show that certain constants are irrational. His interests have since shifted slightly towards Physics, both of the very small (particle physics) and of the very large (astrophysics and cosmology).
More info
Lecturer in Probability Theory and Statistics, Calculus and Linear Algebra at Delft University of Technology
PhD, Classical Analysis, Delft University of Technology