Discover quantum computers and the quantum internet. Learn the principles and promises behind these developments and how quantum computing and quantum information will impact our future.
There is no doubt that quantum computers and the quantum internet will have a great impact on our world. But we don't yet know quite how. As with traditional computers - we will only see the effects in the decades to come.
This course will provide you with a basic understanding of quantum computing and the quantum internet. Together, we'll peek into the fascinating world of quantum information, learning about qubits, superposition, entanglement, and much more.
We'll envision the potential impact of quantum computing and the quantum internet.
You'll explore various application areas, such as quantum chemistry, quantum machine learning, encryption and secure communication, factorization, and blind quantum computation.
The course is aimed at a broad and diverse audience including policy-makers, people with a scientific or personal interest, business executives, and students at all levels.
We invite you on a journey beyond what is known to us now, and to envision a world with quantum technologies.
This journey continues with our program Quantum 101: Quantum Computing and Quantum Internet, where we expand from an understanding of the building blocks of quantum computers to look at further applications and possibilities.
This course is authored by experts from the QuTech research center at Delft University of Technology. In the center scientists and engineers work together to enhance research and development in quantum technology. QuTech Academy's aim is to inspire, share and disseminate knowledge about the latest developments in quantum technology.
What you'll learn:
- The basics of quantum computing and the quantum internet
- The key application areas in which quantum technologies will change the world.
- The potential advantages of a quantum computer and the quantum internet
- The basic quantum phenomena that make quantum technologies possible
Unless otherwise specified, the Course Materials of this course are Copyright Delft University of Technology and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Chartered Engineering Competences
All our online courses and programs have been matched to the competencies determined by KIVI’s Competence Structure, a common frame of reference for everyone, across all disciplines, levels and roles.
These competences apply to this course:
- A1: Extend your theoretical knowledge of new and advancing technologies.
This is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) that runs on edX.
- Students should have a strong interest in the topic and enter the course with an open mind. A technical background is not necessary.