
Eelco is Head of Department of Market & Advisory at Het Waterlaboratorium in Haarlem. He has an extensive background in analytical sciences, especially when applied to food and environmental matrices. Eelco has hands-on expertise in using complex analytical techniques to prioritise chemical contaminants of concern. From his background as analytical chemist, Eelco knows the (im)possibilities of analytical science and its application in the working field. He holds a PhD in analytical chemistry from the Technical University of Denmark and a Master in analytical chemistry from the VU University Amsterdam.
In his current role, Eelco is responsible for a multi-disciplinary team of water quality advisors for drinking water companies and other water stakeholders. Eelco and his team operate on the boundary between routine monitoring, practical knowledge, and scientific advances, acting as a translator between those worlds. His team is active in many aspects and activities that surround water (cycle) management and expertise, with a strong focus on drinking water production. Here, they advise stakeholders in the water cycle, have a leading role in knowledge building and utilisation, oversee monitoring programmes, and lead method development to supply much-needed measurement data and information.
research interest
- Chemistry
- Water quality and management
- Environmental monitoring
- Mass spectrometry
- Molecular biology
- Data science
More info
Head of Department of Market & Advisory at Het Waterlaboratorium in Haarlem
PhD, Analytical Food Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark
MSc, Analytical Chemistry, VU University Amsterdam